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BK(brooklyn) Baby!, New York, United States
-dumb in a funny way -loving -annoying -trustworthy -crazy -sexy -cute -lovable -fun -can’t get enough of me Tristan That’s what there is to know about me


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Sunday, January 04, 2009

2nd Jan 2009

What a year 2008 was. Thanks to a lovely and wonderful years everyone. Today Lora and Tarzan, and their friend Jane is taking me snow boarding. I am so excited and ready for a thrill. Oh my, it took forever to get to the top of the mountain. A total of 5 hours to drive up the mountain. Which I had some pictures to post, but we did want the camera to break if and when we fell. I must say when I started, getting up is hard as hell. I fell at least seven times, and on top of that my board when flying down the hill all-alone. RUNAWAY BOARD! That’s all you could here form everyone. After getting mil frostbite, I had to take a break. Then it was time to try the lift and board down the beginner slop. So I went up and didn't get off. I went right back down the lift. Shut up I know I chickened out. Then Jane, Lora, and Tarzan talked me into doing it (words of en-couragement) thanks guys. I did it, hopped off the lift strapped in my second foot and went down. Damn I hit the snow hard the first time, got up and fell again. So Jane held my hands made sure I was straight and sent me on my way. After I reached the bottom I was pumped and ready to go again. Te second time was a breeze, except for the two falls. I felled the first time again on my second attempt. This time I bruised my hip. After I got up and started to board, this little girl and her dad were in the way. I turned to avoid them but was heading straight for the trees. What the hell should I do now? I Know, I’ll make myself fall. STUPID MOVED! I bang the back of my head hard on the ice; it felt as if my skulled was shattered. I got up quick because I was frightened, shocked, and nervous.  Stood for a moment and then went down. That was the best run, but was my last for the day. I went inside by the fireplace and waited for the crew to finish and head home.  

Tarzan and Lora

Tomorrow is a big day for everyone in Diego, because the chargers are play. I went out with Drew and Rhea his girlfriend to wings and things. We watched the game and drank of course.  After the Chargers won we headed over to Drew friend Peter. His uncle just got married and peter invited us to the reception.

Go Charges! Diego Pride

Here is Peter’s Uncle

And some gentlemen singing karaoke…. 

sorry don't know how to turn it upright, if you do comment me 

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