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BK(brooklyn) Baby!, New York, United States
-dumb in a funny way -loving -annoying -trustworthy -crazy -sexy -cute -lovable -fun -can’t get enough of me Tristan That’s what there is to know about me


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Sunday, July 17, 2011


Let's start off my welcome back with a post showing a new side of cheerleading...
Just watch...

<a href='http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-us&amp;vid=209edf2e-3f7f-4d42-911d-36fab0841f86&amp;src=v5:embed::uuids' target='_new' title='Male Cheerleader Brings it'>Video: Male Cheerleader Brings it</a>

I'M BACK!!!!!

WTF ! It's been a while, but I'm back! I got a new notebook, camera, and time off from work.... do you know what that means? It's time to travel and post my adventures for you, my wonderful readers to enjoy. I'm so sorry that I've had you waiting this long but it will be worth the wait. I have some past pictures and stories for you to enjoy from my military and civilian life. I MISS YOU MY WONDERFUL, AMAZING, LOVELY READERS. so stay tune to more adventures of DOC LEVY!