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BK(brooklyn) Baby!, New York, United States
-dumb in a funny way -loving -annoying -trustworthy -crazy -sexy -cute -lovable -fun -can’t get enough of me Tristan That’s what there is to know about me


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Saturday, December 20, 2008

My feelings, Fun, Delays, Snow, I'm FINE!

I left for work at 1 o clock pm, and didn’t arrive until 4 30 p. what was suppose to be a hour ride by bus, or 15 minutes ride by a cab, end up to 3 and a half hour. The bus drive on the B15 decided to stop half way on his rout and end his shift due to “it is too much snow I am not driving any more”. CAN THEY DO THAT! WTF!. People told him off. That was on of the reason why I was late. I arrive to work a half a hour late, and to my surprise it was a mess out side on the run way. Plane ever where, some can’t move because of the snow other are just being held off due to traffic. Anyway I was told Orlando bloom was on board, once again I don’t who the hell he is. They said he was in Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Ring. I haven’t seen either. By the way I thought Johnny Depth was the start in Pirates of the Caribbean? Also some victory secret model with dimples was on board. Kim said she was giving her the eyes (get them Kim). Kim can get crazy girls. She needs to teach me.

Orlando Bloom...Yeah Him I don't know!?????

Kim I google here (not really I yahoo her) Ms. Kerr. I was on the PJ party flight with her last year on runway angel aircraft.. with Selita that was a fun flight

November 2007 PJ party on board...

click here for more pictures...

This is what caused me to be late….

deicing an aircraft

After boarding the flight to Los Angeles, my sister text me to confirm some information that was sent to her. I told her I don’t have further information for you. Afterward she tells me that I am rude, mean, and don’t care about her. Well that would be the last time I do anything for you. Not only did she tell me off, but she has my friend calling and asking m why don’t I take care of her. People if you want me to do a FAVOR (hints the word) I will try my best.

If you fail on your part, HELLO! You are the dumb one. Please don’t flip the coin and make me look bad. I have no problem now-a-day cutting people off. I look at life this way, as long as I am happy and not stress I am fine. I can always find new people to associate with; my personality is one of the best.

It hurt when it’s the ones you go above and beyond for, say stupid ish. Amanda that suck! Orlanzo what else can I say, I have spoken to you on this matter several times. The two of you are going to end up losing someone who cares deeply about you, over nonsense... I am really loosing patience…

It’s 2:30 am and I am still waiting for Swissport ours business partners so I can push back the last flight…Guy’s hurry up I work again at 5 Am.

Today featured song is by Mary J Blige

Damn getting a passport isn’t a one, two, three process…. EGYPT look like a no go…
HEY everyone I won Christmas passes on Asiana, I want to go to Korea

inside picture of asiana tap here

I am done blogging for the morning, I have work in a hour and a half...

PEACE! (no running, put me at the gate please!)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Tristan, you lucky ass. How do you not know who Orlando Bloom is??

Go to Korea!!! and say hi to my grandma for me, yeah? thaaanks.