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BK(brooklyn) Baby!, New York, United States
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

29th of December Fun Fun Fun at WORK!

Today I traded shifts whit Palmer. Thanks man I slept in late. I arrive to work to find Ms, Danielle a single young lady (who wants me ever so bad) was cleaning out the locker room. I have no idea what mission she was on, but she bagged everything up and placed them in another room. I must say the locker room is clean, but the other room is packed. LMAO! While all that was talking place I went up stairs to start checking in. Within the few hours I started to assist a guy with two kids and his wife (I am guessing). Their names were Amy, Sam, and I believe Mat. Last name you guess it LEVY. “HI MOM! What are you doing here?” I said and I got a strange look, so I showed her my ID. “OH, HI my son”! She replied. “I am checking in, heading back to Los Angeles”. “Well, I will take care of you”. I said. Her husband had to catch a flight on Jet (who). So I told him go ahead they are in good hands. They didn’t have any seats together so I got them some. During the mist of reuniting with her, she invited me to lunch. I asked my lead and it was ok to go. At first I didn’t but what the hell. We went to KFC; I got a three piece strip meal. My other two brothers did the same as well. While eating were started to discuss how I have a last name like Levy, and I am black. I told her it was your father, my grandfather. He met some young black lady in Jamaica and inter-mixed the Jew’s with the Blacks. “Nice”, Amy said. She went on about the four dogs they have back at home in LAX. And Sam and Mat is learning how to play chess, and they are only seven and six. They just came back from a skiing trip here in NYC, and I notice that Sam has a finger splint on. I asked him, “did you jam your finger skiing”. “NO, my dad rolled up the car window on it”. “Ok” I said. At least you didn’t hurt yourself skiing. We chat some more, about my family back in Florida. We talked about my siblings (Howie, Kevin, Fabian (r.i.p), Me, Amanda, Daniel, and Aujanaeˊ). “WOW” said Amy. “What is wrong with you parents, that’s a lot of children!” I told here you should know”. I replied. “One we are somewhat Jewish, and then to be Jamaican. You should expect at least 13 children average”. She agreed and then said, “you don’t have that many”. I told her “I will control the pet population, don’t worry”. My lunch break was now coming to an end so I walked here to the gate and said my good bye. My long lost mother take care and I hope to see you in the near future.

Now part two of this crazy afternoon.

There was a group checking in. After the entire group met up they began singing. We was wondering what is going on , and then we found out they are a Gospel group heading to VEGAS. A guest that I was checking in recorded them. Try and listen to them sing, they were actual good.

Thanks dude for the email

Last but not least, ladies and gents Janet vs Jo-ANN Tomorrow at JFK terminal 4

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